Quran must be present in all features of our lives

Quran must be present in all features of our lives

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic republic stressed that the Quran must be present in all features of Muslims’ lives.

Sunday, April 28, 2019 11:47

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Iranian foreign minister blasts Trump’s administration for staying silent on new Saudi mass execution

Iranian foreign minister blasts Trump’s administration for staying silent on new Saudi mass ...

Iran’s foreign minister has lashed out at the administration of US President Donald Trump for staying tight-lipped on its ally Saudi Arabia’s latest mass execution of its nationals, one of whom was crucified after beheading.

Wednesday, April 24, 2019 12:08

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Divine savior will call mankind to monotheism, Imam Khomeini explained

Divine savior will call mankind to monotheism, Imam Khomeini explained

The genuine and original teachings of Islam and all other divine religions have been seemed talking about a certain era when the divine-oriented governance would prevail over all types of injustices.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019 08:18

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A comparative study of the relationship between Muslims and the people of the book in Shaheed (martyr) Sani, Sheikh Ansari and Imam Khomeini

A comparative study of the relationship between Muslims and the people of the book in Shaheed ...

The views of Shahid Sani, Sheikh Ansari and Imam Khomeini and use Qur'anic sources, such as the verse 46 of the Surah al-Ankabut (Spider) which says (Do not argue with the people of the Book except in the best manner). As well as the practical practices of the Ulema, as exemplified by the practice of Imam Khomeini on the eve of Christmas, sent to Christians in their Neighborhood in Paris, are sending gifts to congratulate Christmas.

Tuesday, April 09, 2019 12:08

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Imam Khomeini created a system based on spiritual and moral values

Imam Khomeini created a system based on spiritual and moral values

Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, was a pious learned, abstinent wise, politician sage, faithful, brave mystic, righteous ruler and devotee hero of contemporary history.

Saturday, April 06, 2019 04:39

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