The Coexistence between the Abrahamic Religions in the View of Imam Khomeini (Mercy of Allah be upon him) Was Explained in Zimbabwe
Monday, June 12, 2017 11:51
United Nations Secretary General Antonio Guterres has thrown his weight behind the implementation of the 2015 nuclear agreement between Iran and six other countries.
Monday, February 20, 2017 11:44
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Revolution once said in a historic interview that Islamic Republic seeks to maintain amicable ties with all nations and that they all should be treated justly.
Friday, February 17, 2017 01:13
Iranian president Hassan Rouhani and Luxembourg’s visiting Foreign Minister Jean Asselborn have laid emphasis on the need for all the parties to a multilateral nuclear deal between Iran and six other countries to comply with their contractual obligations.
Tuesday, February 14, 2017 10:49
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic, on several occasion described himself as a servant of the Iranian nation.
Sunday, December 04, 2016 11:53
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Revolution, promoted the principle of mutual-respect in the International relations.
Saturday, November 05, 2016 09:54
Imam Khomeini the founder of the Islamic Republic used to insist on the significance of establishing cordial ties with all nations to prevent their own governments from exercising colonial policies against other countries.
Tuesday, October 25, 2016 06:00
Iran’s President Hassan Rouhani tells Saudi Arabia to stop its divisive policies and the spread of what he called an ideology of hatred.
Friday, September 23, 2016 10:42