Imam Khomeini’s legacy a viable model of Islamic governance

Imam Khomeini’s legacy a viable model of Islamic governance

It is safe to say that without Imam Khomeini, it would have been a different story today. The ideological tremors triggered by this charismatic leader of the Islamic Revolution during his lifetime went beyond the borders of Iran and the Persian Gulf region.

Sunday, June 04, 2023 12:38

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Iranians will never forget Western countries’ role in Saddam`s chemical attacks during war

Iranians will never forget Western countries’ role in Saddam's chemical attacks during war

Iran's envoy to the UN says the Islamic Republic, as the main victim of chemical weapons, denounces the use of such weapons altogether as it is a serious violation of international law and a crime against humanity.

Tuesday, May 09, 2023 11:09

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Imam Khomeini’s Approach to Political Struggle

Imam Khomeini’s Approach to Political Struggle

The focus of this paper is analysis of methods used by Imam Khomeini in his struggles until the victory of the Islamic Revolution. The main question of this paper is: What was Imam Khomeini’s approach to violence and nonviolence in his political struggles against the Shah’s regime?

Wednesday, May 03, 2023 05:04

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Faith, which is fortune of the soul, is different from knowledge, Imam Khomeini explained

Faith, which is fortune of the soul, is different from knowledge, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological and mystical works explains that faith, which is the joy and fortune of the soul, is different from knowledge, which is the pleasure and satisfaction of the intellect.

Tuesday, May 02, 2023 09:53

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knowledge of God and His Attributes should leave deep impact on believers, Imam explains

knowledge of God and His Attributes should leave deep impact on believers, Imam explains

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explains that the knowledge of God and His Attributes should leave deep impact on believers and faithful people

Monday, May 01, 2023 10:33

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Imam Khomeini: It is the most preliminary lesson of the school of monotheism.

Imam Khomeini: It is the most preliminary lesson of the school of monotheism.

Sahifeh-ye-Imam. V 20, P 298

Monday, April 24, 2023 06:30

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The ultimate goal of all the prophets` efforts is the human being, Imam Khomeini highlighted

The ultimate goal of all the prophets' efforts is the human being, Imam Khomeini highlighted

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that The all prophets have all been appointed to train true human beings. They have all come to elevate this creature of nature from its natural level to super­ natural and up to the highest heaven.

Tuesday, April 18, 2023 10:33

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