Imam Khomeini, the father of Islamic Revolution also described Imam Ali (peace be upon him) as the perfect man, true successor of the holy prophet and manifestation of divine names.
Thursday, July 14, 2022 09:05
Monday, May 09, 2022 03:33
In Imam Khomeini’s opinion, if a person is the most knowledgeable in Religion Science, but fails to recognize the expedient of society or generally lacks in insight the social and political context and in decision making power, this person is not Mujtahid in social and governance issues and cannot take the reigns of the community.
Tuesday, April 05, 2022 10:47
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic explained through his theological works that belief of divine savior have not only deep roots in basic Islamic sources such as Quran and Sunnah, but also well established in all other divine religions as well.
Wednesday, March 16, 2022 12:38
One of the figures who introduced Islamic economics was Imam Khomeini who was the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran. According to him, Islamic economy has several principles that are different from the principles of socialist and capitalist economics.
Saturday, February 05, 2022 05:22
Imam Khomeini considers the Holy Quran as the reflection of the universe and mirror of all divine names and attributes of Almighty Allah.
Tuesday, November 30, 2021 08:12
The grandson of Imam Khomeini says the late founder of the Islamic Republic in his very essence had been a moral mentor and an ethics teacher.
Wednesday, October 20, 2021 08:32
Eid al-Ghadir is one of the most important festivities on the Islamic calendar. It marks the beginning of Shia Islam, when 14 centuries ago Prophet Mohammad introduced Imam Ali ibn Abi Taleb as the next caliph of Muslims and their religious leader or Imam.
Thursday, July 29, 2021 08:29