A comparative study between intellect functions in the science from the point of view of Mulla Sadra and Imam Khomeini

A comparative study between intellect functions in the science from the point of view of Mulla ...

According to the opinions of Mulla Sadra and Imam Khomeini, the answers to the conflicts have been sorted out and given for readers.

Saturday, February 20, 2021 11:07

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Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

Imam Khomeini marked the beginning of a whole new era for the nation

The Islamic Revolution of 1979 was one of the most important uprisings in modern political history, an event which still shapes the world. After enduring decades of economic exploitation under the British, followed by a CIA and MI6 coup in 1953 to overthrow Iranian PM Mossadegh and replace him with Western-backed monarch the Shah, Iran finally stood up to Britain and the United States. Iranians took to the streets by the millions, regained its sovereignty as well control over its natural resources and dealt a heavy blow to imperialism, setting the stage for resistance and anti-imperialist movements to this day.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 11:31

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Iranian nation stood against unilateralism and external pressure

Iranian nation stood against unilateralism and external pressure

In remarks published on Pakistani media on the occasion of the 42nd anniversary of the victory of the Islamic Revolution, Iranian ambassador to Pakistan said on Tuesday that the Iranian nation stood against unilateralism and external pressure, as well as corruption and injustice.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021 08:38

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Islamic Revolution left deep influence across globe

Islamic Revolution left deep influence across globe

The Islamic Revolution under the leadership of Imam Khomeini left deep impact cultural and spiritual across various parts of the world

Sunday, February 07, 2021 10:08

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Love and its relationship with monotheism nature, creation, unity, faith from the perspective of Sadr al-Mutallahin (Mullah Sadra) and Imam Khomeini

Love and its relationship with monotheism nature, creation, unity, faith from the perspective of ...

The goal of the current research is to explore the real concept of love and its relationship with categories such as nature, creation, monotheism, unity, faith from the perspective of Sadr al-Muta'allehin and Imam Khomeini and has been done in a library method.

Tuesday, January 26, 2021 11:29

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Institute publishes New Year calendar, promotes Imam Khomeini`s dynamic thought and ideals

Institute publishes New Year calendar, promotes Imam Khomeini's dynamic thought and ideals

The department for International Affairs of the institute has published calendar of the New Year 2021 in a variety of languages including English, Arabic and Urdu.

Wednesday, December 30, 2020 01:38

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The conditions associated with the judgment according to Imam Khomeini

The conditions associated with the judgment according to Imam Khomeini

Imam Khomeini's views regarding the jurisdiction and the judgment subjects can be fruitful as far as an improvement of those that are involved matters are concerned including a legislative and a judicial power.

Thursday, December 24, 2020 10:28

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