God Almighty has promised that He will guide those who struggle, Imam Khomeini explained

God Almighty has promised that He will guide those who struggle, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini explains that God Almighty has promised that He will guide those who struggle and help them through His invisible grace and increase their capacities.

Imam explains the matter through his famous book "an exposition on Forty Hadith" as following: 

Though your behavior will be affected and unnatural in the beginning, being artificial and feigned, but since your aim is self-rectification and curing of this vice, your behavior will gradually become less artificial.

Day by day this affectation will be lessened and your self will become accustomed to it and that which was affectation will become reality.

You convince your self and make it understand that he is a creature of God; perhaps it is God’s grace, which has selected him for the advantage that he enjoys.

If the object of your envy is a scholar endowed with knowledge and piety, and you are jealous of him due to these merits, your envy is all the more abominable and this enmity will bring you greater harm in the Hereafter.

It is for you to make your self understand that they are chosen servants of God, who, through Divine grace, have been distinguished by that great merit and favor.

Such a gift ought to make one feel affectionate and kindly towards its possessors, inclining one to respect them and to be humble towards them.

Hence, if one perceives that anything that should stir up love and respect in his heart is causing something that is contrary to it, he should know that the baser emotions have overpowered him and their darkness has conquered his inner self, Imam further explained. 

Now it is time for him to positively resolve to get rid of it by all theoretical and practical means.

If he tries to stimulate the feelings of love and friendship in his heart, he will succeed soon, since the light of love conquers the darkness of hatred.

God Almighty has promised that He will guide those who struggle and help them through His invisible grace and increase their capacities:

‘Indeed He possesses the authority to grant ability and to guide.’

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