Imam covered guests with blankets during cold in Paris

Imam covered guests with blankets during cold in Paris

A memoir by Hujjatal Islam Duayee – Imam's student

The weather was fine the first few days during the time Imamwas in Paris. 

For this reason, there was no need for sleeping blankets during the night, though some of the brothers would use them.  Certainly, the windows and the doors were left open.

One morning when I got up, I noticed that the windows were closed and that the brothers who did not usually cover themselves with blankets had blankets draped over them. 

 No one knew how this had happened.  Even Haj Ahmed Agha did not know when we asked him.

  Later, we found out that Imam, who had woken up in the middle of the night to do wudhu, had shut the windows and covered the brothers with blankets because it had been cold.
(A memoir by Hujjatal Islam Duayee – Imam's student)

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