Imam Khomeini's explanation of straight path  at the  third of Ramadan.

Imam Khomeini's explanation of straight path at the third of Ramadan.

Extracted from Imam's historic speech at third of Ramadan warned believers against snares and designs of Satan

Hearts that are discerned with  the truth and reality and are outside the essence of nature and facing just the material world and feel that their shadow is also like themselves. 

They are not on right path because left out of the straightness and facing nature and material world which is of the lowest degree.

Perhaps in that world hereafter, some of them will have to will walk with their faces while their feet upwards and some will walk on their bellies and some will walk there with hands and feet, like animals.

Citing this verse from the holy Quran "then is one who walks fallen on his face.." says

These parables are of metaphorical nature but could be turn as a reality and embodied in the world hereafter.

(An exposition on Forty Hadith,  pp. 532-533)

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