The Prophet of Islam(s), the Noblest of Beings and the Most Perfect Human

The Prophet of Islam(s), the Noblest of Beings and the Most Perfect Human

The universe was never before and will never after be graced with a blessing such as the sacred being of the Noble Messenger (s) of Islam. This auspicious being is the noblest of God's creations, the most perfect human being ever, and is the greatest guide of mankind. (Sahifeh, vol. 14, Page: 6, Speech, January 24, 1981)

Tuesday, September 18, 2012 04:26

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Non-Alignment of Iran in Relation to the Big Powers

Non-Alignment of Iran in Relation to the Big Powers

I once again extend my support to all the liberation movements of the world and sincerely wish that they will succeed in attaining freedom for their societies. And it is hoped that the Islamic government will come to their rescue whenever necessary. [1]

Saturday, August 25, 2012 11:39

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Eid al-Fitr

Eid al-Fitr

Greetings to all Muslims, the students in Iran and abroad, and the Muslim youth (may God assist them) on the auspicious occasion of Eid al-Fitr. Felicitations to you, the enlightened and religious people who are making sacrifices for the realization of Islam's sublime goals that guarantee the welfare of the people, and fulfill their spiritual and material needs. Felicitations to the Muslims who submit to imprisonment, exile, torture and death defending Islamic tenets and the Muslim countries; and in freeing themselves from the yoke of imperialism and its evil agents; who endure every kind of deprivation in uprooting the forces of oppression.

Saturday, August 18, 2012 11:55

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The Global Quds Day

The Global Quds Day

"The issue of Quds is not a private or personal issue. It is neither the exclusive problem of one country nor a present-day problem of all Muslims. Rather, it is a phenomenon concerning the monotheists and faithful people of all ages-past, present and future." Imam Khomeini (s)

Wednesday, August 15, 2012 05:16

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The holy month of Ramadan is before us

The holy month of Ramadan is before us

God almighty has invited you in the month of Ramadan to His banquet. As you see fasting is God's banquet; it is not like our parties with those formalities and lavish meals. It is a reception in which one should abstain from desires. Notice that one should perform the rituals in the holy month of Ramadan, particularly its mental rites. One should not be merely engaged in praying- prayer in its real sense is of importance. Remembering God in the real sense of the word is what brings tranquility to the heart. "Verily in the remembrance of Allah do hearts find rest!" (The holy Quran, 13:28) Remembrance of God means considering God present everywhere, in the holy month of Ramadan, one should be preoccupied with remembrance of God and His blessings and thank God for His favors.

Saturday, July 21, 2012 01:20

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Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

Supplications of the Month of Sha`ban Are the Greatest Sources of Divine Teachings

Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

I extend my felicitations for this great and glorious Islamic-religious feast to the respected audience and the authorities of the country and to the rest of the oppressed strata of the world and especially to the glorious nation of Iran. Today we are in the blessed month of Sha`ban, and the supplications of Sha`ban are among the greatest and most glorious of Divine teachings and are among the biggest affairs, which those that are of the pious can to the extent of their understanding benefit from them.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 01:26

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Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The Prophet of Islam, the Noblest of Beings and the Most Perfect Human Being

Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The universe was never before and will never after be graced with a blessing such as the sacred being of the Noble Messenger of Islam. This auspicious being is the noblest of God's creations, the most perfect human being ever, and is the greatest guide of mankind. [1]

Sunday, June 17, 2012 01:29

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