It has been recalled through a series of memoirs that no photographer was ready to make Imam Khomeini’s pictures during his stay in exile in holy city of Najaf.
Monday, October 08, 2018 09:27
The triumph of Islamic revolution at sensitive juncture of history been indebted to the Unprecedented leadership of Imam Khomeini,
Wednesday, September 19, 2018 02:27
Imam Khomeini, the late founder of the Islamic Republic through his theological works warned believers and faithful people against performing any act for the sake of other than God, the Almighty.
Monday, September 17, 2018 08:56
Thursday, September 13, 2018 10:07
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:24
Tuesday, September 11, 2018 12:19
Imam Khomeini once said in a historic address that the Pahlavi regime and hypocrites have inflicted serious damaged on the country.
Thursday, August 23, 2018 08:38
Imam Rida, one of the infallible successors of the holy prophet of Islam was decorated with numerous divine-oriented moral attributes and was well-known and popular among people due to his knowledge and wisdom.
Thursday, July 19, 2018 02:40