Millions of Mourners Marking Ashura Worldwide

Millions of Mourners Marking Ashura Worldwide

The messages released by the founder of the Islamic Republic on the occasion of Ashura and about the philosophy of Imam Hussein (PBUH) uprising attracted millions of people around the globe.

Tuesday, November 04, 2014 01:00

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Imam Khomeini’s Pupil laid to Rest in Tehran

Imam Khomeini’s Pupil laid to Rest in Tehran

Senior Iranian cleric Ayatollah Mohammad-Reza Mahdavi Kani--a faithful pupil and supporter of the founder of the Islamic Republic—has been laid to rest in the south of the capital, Tehran.

Thursday, October 23, 2014 07:33

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Founder of Islamic Republic insisted on following conduct of Imam Ridha  (PBUH)

Founder of Islamic Republic insisted on following conduct of Imam Ridha (PBUH)

Imam Khomeini, the spiritual and religious leader of the Muslim world, invited the whole Islamic community to follow footsteps of the honorable prophet of Islam Hadrat Mohammad (peace be upon him) and his infallible successors.

Sunday, September 07, 2014 03:18

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Imam Khomeini shielded rights of minorities

Imam Khomeini shielded rights of minorities

Imam Khomeini, the founder of the Islamic Republic had issued special instructions to the government officials and relevant authorities to protect rights of minorities living across Iran.

Sunday, August 24, 2014 10:11

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Imam Khomeini hailed historical role of prophet’s grandson

Imam Khomeini hailed historical role of prophet’s grandson

The founder of the Islamic Republic frequently praised historical role of Imam Hassan (PBUH), the grandson of the holy prophet of Islam in uniting the Muslim community and securing pure genuine Islamic teachings at very sensitive juncture of history.

Monday, July 14, 2014 04:56

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Imam Wanted Muslims to Comprehend Philosophy behind Ashura

Imam Wanted Muslims to Comprehend Philosophy behind Ashura

Imam Khomeini the religious and spiritual leader of the world called on the masses and scholars to take serious intellectual efforts to comprehend and promote the real philosophy behind the tragic event of Ashura.

Sunday, November 10, 2013 08:00

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